A Digital Transformation story: Enterprise Integration through a DevOps driven iPaaS API architecture - Part 2

A reference architecture of the Integration factory: An iPaaS integration through a DevOps driven iterative APIfication.

Before moving forward, let's do a quick recapitulation of where we had left from in the part 1 of this post. The following figure denotes the idea what we were toying with - i.e an API or Integration factory iterating through the cycles from ideation, design, construction and optimize. 

Figure 1: An phased and iterative iPaaS re-platforming model
Let's now focus on the DevOps architecture of the iPaaS which will deliver this integration. As we see that the cycle runs through an ideation->creation->optimize->ideation approach. The DevOps is delivered through a continuous integration / deployment / development pipeline which is built on Jenkins. The infrastructure are also provisioned using Vagrant as well as cloud tools - depending on which stage of the pipeline it is being provisioned. The architecture is a high level one - as appropriate for this particular post. We will see a much detailed architecture in the subsequent post.

Figure 2: A DevOps driven API and Integration Factory Reference Architecture

The messaging architecture style: Use case driven decision for Reliability vs. Performance – a comparison amongst two popular players

I want to conclude this post with a glimpse on how the architecture design can shape up depending on what we are trying to solve and what we trying to achieve - are we trying to get our messages more discrete compromising the performance (for example: a typical scenario of essentially blocked IO since the message transaction is not complete without an acknowledgement), or should we care purely for throughput. Or how about going for a hybrid use case? (This will be amplified in a subsequent post).

Figure 3: A quick comparison between ActiveMQ and Kafka


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